Nancy Scott

I am from Newark, Delaware and am a registered nurse, an ordained minister, and I was an in-center hemodialysis patient since my kidney disease diagnosis in 2004 until I received a kidney transplant in the spring of 2012. I have been involved with DPC as a Patient Ambassador, Secretary of the Board, Vice President of the Board, and I currently serve as both the President of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Education Committee.
Beyond my DPC involvement, I serve as a patient representative of Advisory Board at ESRD Network 4 and a Chairperson at Henrietta Johnson Medical Center for Clinical Evaluation Committee. I established a support group to encourage better communication between clinic staff and patients, and have traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with lawmakers. Before joining the Board in 2007 I was honored to receive the DPC Hero Award.
Nancy continues to focus on the prevention of renal disease through education. She continues to address the causes of renal disease by communication with providers, church groups, civic associations. When you know better, you do better! In addition, renal patients must also be educated to ensure better quality of health. Knowledge is empowerment!